National admission program

Support for the reception of Syrian and Iraqi refugees as part of the state reception programs

Comprehensive support and advice is offered to people who would like to bring Syrian or Iraqi relatives who have fled to Germany as part of the state admission programs.

These programs are currently being implemented in the federal states of Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia. The service covers all the necessary steps from the expression of interest to the successful entry of relatives into Germany.

Who can record?

The following requirements must be met in order to admit Syrian or Iraqi relatives who have fled within the framework of these programs:



  • The receiving person must be the spouse, same-sex registered partner or a first or second degree family member (parents, children, grandchildren, grandparents, siblings) of the person who has fled.


Duration of stay in Germany:

  • Proof of at least one year’s residence in Germany must be provided.


Residence requirements:

  • You must have been resident in Berlin or the federal state of Brandenburg for at least 12 months.
  • The main residence must currently be in one of the participating federal states, without a residence requirement for another city or another federal state.



  • The receiving person must have German, Syrian or Iraqi citizenship, or
  • be an EU citizen entitled to freedom of movement, an EEA national, a third-country national or a Swiss national with a Swiss residence permit.

Who can be accepted?

Syrian and Iraqi nationals who had to flee due to the unstable situation in their home countries.

Current whereabouts of the fugitive:

  • The person who has fled must still be in Syria or Iraq, or
  • Stay in one of the countries bordering Syria (Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq), or
  • reside in one of the countries bordering Iraq (Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Syria), or
  • Stay in Egypt (for Syrian and Iraqi nationals).

Entry procedure

Submission of the expression of interest: The “Expression of interest” form must be completed in full and sent by email to the relevant state immigration office together with the required documents.

Examination and forwarding: The expression of interest will be examined by the state office. After successful approval, the application is forwarded to the responsible German diplomatic mission abroad.

Visa procedure: The refugee must submit a visa application to the German embassy or consulate general. The visa is issued after a successful examination.

Entry to Germany: After receiving the visa, the person enters Germany, where they are integrated into the country’s admission program.

Comprehensive support is offered at every step of the process:

Advice and information: All requirements and formalities are explained.

Document management: Help is offered in compiling and submitting the necessary documents.

Facilitation of the procedure: Support is provided throughout the entire process of the expression of interest and the visa procedure.

Fees and advice

To find out the price of our service and to request a consultation, you can contact us directly. We are at your side every step of the way and guide you through the entire process.